Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business negotiations in Japan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business negotiations in Japan - Coursework Example When negotiating, it is important to recognize that Japanese do not understand English hence using it will hamper the success of the negotiations. The closely uphold augmentation where logic, dogma, and emotions are combined. They talk around a subject to obtain a holistic view rather than going the straightforward American style. Additionally, Japanese perceive the ‘face’ to be a mark of personal dignity and portrays one’s status among peers. As such, they will always expect that a foreigner always strive to uphold their face and not to turn down someone’s request because they believe that turning down requests leads to humiliation. They do not openly criticize and requires that one uses terms such as its under consideration or its inconvenient if they do not agree to a request. Moreover, harmony is perceived as a key value in japan; both in business and family settings unlike other cultures such as American. Tone of voice, posture, and facial expression a re used to express feelings and what they hold on certain ideas. For instance, when someone frowns during a conversation, it implies disagreement. While negotiating in japan, it is important to note that greetings are ritualized and highly formal unlike in America. During negotiations, the Japanese requires that a speaker waits to be introduced rather than introducing themselves which is common in many cultures. Observing all the aforementioned differences will ensure the effectiveness of the negotiation. Phatak, Arvind V., Rabi S. Bhagat, and Roger J. Kashlak.  International Management: Managing in a Diverse and Dynamic Global Environment. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2009. Web. Accessed through course E-Textbook compiled by Professor Ridley

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